Risk Management

students smiling to camera


To provide industry leading risk management services to the District, in support of its mission, while maximizing resources for the students.

Risk Management offers the following services:

  • Assists schools and departments in managing their risks.

  • Manages property, liability (including auto liability), workers’ compensation and other claims, related insurance coverage, and services.

  • Provides evidence of insurance coverage (insurance certificates) and assist with loss prevention analysis and activities.

Certificate of Insurance

As you plan various activities away from the school, you may be asked for “proof of insurance”. The requesting organization is asking for you to provide evidence that the District has liability insurance coverage for the proposed activity. You will probably be asked for this certificate anytime you are going into a private business.

To request a certificate of insurance:

Send an email to Risk Management with the following information: 

  • Name of Organization requesting certificate

  • An attention line with the name of the specific person to receive the

  • Full mailing address (including city, state, zip code)

  • Date(s) of the event

  • A brief explanation of the reason for this event

  • Contract related to the request

The certificate will be mailed. If this request has to be handled quickly please include a fax number and a request stating that quicker handling is needed. Think about the Certificate of Insurance early in your planning process.

Contact Us!


Email Risk Management

780 Grant St., Room 319
Denver, CO 80203

Catherine Anderson,
Director of Enterprise Risk Management & Process Improvement

Paul Lillie
Risk Manager, Enterprise Risk Management

Paula Berger,
Sr. Risk & Claims Analyst 

Judy Straight,
Risk & Claims Analyst

Harrison Levicky
Risk & Claims Analyst